
All previous solo and group exhibitions are listed here chronologically. If you are interested in staging an exhibition, you can find useful information here: Exhibition Planning.

Pablo Picasso & Edward Quinn. Visiting Picasso.

January 29 - March 15

Pablo Picasso & Edward Quinn. Visiting Picasso.

Originalgraphiken von Pablo Picasso und Fotos des Künstlers von Edward Quinn.

Galerie Boisserée, Köln

Visiting Picasso

July 12 - Sep 22 2024

Visiting Picasso

Ausgewählte Originalgraphiken von Pablo Picasso und Fotos des Künstlers von Edward Quinn.

Galerie im Marstall, Ahrensburg bei Hamburg

Stars by Edward Quinn

June 22 - Sept 29 2024

Stars by Edward Quinn

Gallery ARTEF 

Via B. Rusca 11

Locarno, Switzerland

Picasso íntimo y los años dorados de la Costa Azul. Fotografías de Edward Quinn

Sep 13 2023 - Jan 7 2024

Picasso íntimo y los años dorados de la Costa Azul. Fotografías de Edward Quinn

Intimate Picasso and the Golden Years of the Côte d'Azur. Photographs by Edward Quinn

Centro de Historias, Zaragoza, Spain

Picasso y los años dorados de la Costa Azul

Feb 24 - Jun 30 2023

Picasso y los años dorados de la Costa Azul

Picasso and the Golden Years of the Côte d'Azur. 140 photos by Edward Quinn of Picasso and the celebrities at the Côte d'Azur.

Centro Cultural La Malagueta, Malaga, Spain


Maya Ruiz-Picasso, daughter of Pablo

April 16 – Dec 31 December 2022

Maya Ruiz-Picasso, daughter of Pablo

40 photos of Maya and Picasso as part of this exhibition.

Musée nationale Picasso-Paris.

Von Picasso bis Hockney. Edward Quinn. Künstlerfotograf

June 6 – Oct 10 2020

Von Picasso bis Hockney. Edward Quinn. Künstlerfotograf

Picasso to Hockney. Edward Quinn, Photographer of Artists Stadtturmgalerie Gmünd, Kärnten/A

Picasso. L'altra meta del cielo

Nov 30 2019 – Mar 11 2020

Picasso. L'altra meta del cielo

Foto di Edward Quinn.
Museo Mediceo di Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Firenze

Picasso e la fotografia.

Jun 28 – Aug 26 2019

Picasso e la fotografia.

Gli anni della maturità. Le fotografie di Edward Quinn
Palazzo Merulana, Roma

Monaco, 6 Mai 1955. Histoire d'une rencontre

May 14 – Oct 15 2019

Monaco, 6 Mai 1955. Histoire d'une rencontre

The first meeting of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier.
Palace of Monaco

Picasso to Hockney

April 4 – June 29 2019

Picasso to Hockney

Edward Quinn, Photographer of Artists
ArteF Gallery, Zurich

Picasso - Ritratto intimo

Dec 15 2018 – Mar 31 2019

Picasso - Ritratto intimo

Palazzo Buffalini - Piazza Duomo

Picasso. La scultura

Oct 10 2018 - Feb 3 2019

Picasso. La scultura

Galleria Borghese, Roma
With photographs of Picasso's sculpture studio by Edward Quinn.

Edward Quinn – Riviera Cocktail

Aug 10 – Oct 13 2018

Edward Quinn – Riviera Cocktail

Leica Galerie Salzburg

Picasso/Dominguin - Une amitié

May 18 – Sep 23 2018

Picasso/Dominguin - Une amitié

Musée de cultures taurines, Nîmes. 
With 26 photographs by Edward Quinn

Edward Quinn – My Friend Picasso

May 14 – Sep 2 2018

Edward Quinn – My Friend Picasso

Castletown House, near Dublin

Picasso e l'altra meta del cielo

April 24 – Nov 11 2018

Picasso e l'altra meta del cielo

Palazzo Tanzarello, Ostuni, Apulia

Edward Quinn – Mein Freund Picasso

Feb 18 – April 18 2018

Edward Quinn – Mein Freund Picasso

Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster

Des animaux et des stars – Stars and Pets. Photographies d'Edward Quinn

Jan 2018 – Jan 2018

Des animaux et des stars – Stars and Pets. Photographies d'Edward Quinn

Musée de la Gendarmerie et du Cinéma, Saint-Tropez

My Friend Picasso – 125 Photographs by Edward Quinn

Nov 2017 – Jan 2018

My Friend Picasso – 125 Photographs by Edward Quinn

Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava

2017 Picasso sans cliché, photographies d'Edward Quinn Musée Picasso Antibes, France
2014 The Legend of Art, Picasso Exhibition Shanghai, China
2014 Picasso and the Camera, curated by John Richardson (Group Exhibition) Gagosian Gallery New York, USA
2014 Grace Kelly, Princess and Style Icon (Group Exhibition) Paleis Het Loo Apeldoorn, NL
2014 Edward Quinn: Stars in Cannes Reygers Galerie für Photographie Munich, GER
2014 Edward Quinn. Celebrity Pets Photography Monika Mohr Galerie Hamburg, GER
2014 Picasso: Ich sehe die Dinge in anderer Art. Grafik Sammlung Boisserée (Group Exhibition) Galerie Boisserée Köln, GER
2014 Picasso: Ich sehe die Dinge in anderer Art. Grafik Sammlung Boisserée (Group Exhibition) Galerie Reithalle Paderborn, GER
2014 Sylvette, Sylvette, Sylvette. Picasso und das Modell. (Group Exhibition). Kunsthalle Bremen, GER
2013 Monaco fête Picasso. Picasso Côte d'Azur. (Group exhibition) Grimaldi Forum Monaco
2013 Pablo Picasso: Arbeiten auf Papier. Edward Quinn Fotografien Galerie des 20. Jahrhunderts Basel, SUI
2012 Edward Quinn. Pablo Picasso. Photography Monika Mohr Galerie Hamburg, GER
2012 Ich und Ich und Ich. Photo Portraits of Picasso. (Group Exhibition). Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, GER
2012 Conmigo, Yo Mismo, Yo. Retratos fotográficos de Pablo Picasso. (Group Exhibition). Museo Picasso Málaga, ESP
2011 MeMyselfandI (Ich und Ich und Ich). Photo Portraits of Picasso. (Group Exhibition). Museum Ludwig Köln, GER
2010 Edward Quinn – Riviera Cocktail Leica Galerie Frankfurt, GER
2010 The Picasso Story Humboldt Carrée Berlin, GER
2009 Edward Quinn: Stars and Cars ZeitHaus Wolfsburg, GER
2009 Le Geste Picasso. (Group Exhibition) La Galerie d'art du Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône Aix en Provence, FRA
2009 Stars and Cars von Edward Quinn Reygers Galerie für Photographie Munich, GER
2009 Edward Quinn, Stars and Cars of the 50s Photography Monika Mohr Galerie Hamburg, GER
2009 Pablo Picasso - Kreativität und Schaffensfreude Clemens-Sels-Museum Neuss, GER
2008 GOLDEN FIFTIES - Photographien von Edward Quinn Kunst im Palais am Lenbachplatz, Credit Suisse Munich, GER
2008 Pigozzi and the Paparazzi with Salomon, Weegee, Galella and Quinn. (Group Exhibition) Museum für Fotografie Berlin, GER
2008 Edward Quinn. Riviera Cocktail Suite 59 Maastricht, NL
2008 Edward Quinn - Riviera Cocktail Ludwig Museum Koblenz, GER
2008 Picasso & Women. (Group Exhibition) Arken Museum of Modern Art Ishøj, DK
2007 Edward Quinn – The Rich and Famous. Vintage and Later Prints Galerie Boisserée Köln, GER
2007 Ikonen der Leinwand. (Group Exhibition) Ernst Barlach Museum Wedel, GER
2007 Edward Quinn. A day’s work. Vintage Prints Michael Hoppen Gallery London, UK
2007 Edward Quinn and Picasso, Paintings and Photos Galerie Pels-Leusden Zurich, SUI
2007 Edward Quinn - The Rich and Famous - Vintages und Later Prints Stadtmuseum Köln, GER
2006 Edward Quinn - Riviera Cocktail Galerie Abbt Projects Zurich, SUI
2006 Edward Quinn. Photographing Hollywood during the golden Fifties on the French Riviera Scalo Guye Gallery Los Angeles, USA
2006 Edward Quinn, Riviera Cocktail. Die 50er Jahre an der Côte d’Azur Photography Monika Mohr Galerie Hamburg, GER
2000 Edward Quinn. Stars, Stars, Stars. Festival de Télévision de Monte Carlo Monaco
1999 Pablo Picasso – Der Reiz der Fläche. (Group Exhibition) Staatliches Museum Schwerin, GER
1998 La Guerre et la Paix. (Group Exhibition) Musée National Picasso Vallauris, FRA
1998 Edward Quinn. Stars und Sternchen Prinz Max Palais Karlsruhe, GER
1998 Hollywood Personalities 1951-1965 PaceWildensteinMacGill Beverly Hills, USA
1998 Edward Quinn. The Charm of Portraits. Celebrities and Artists Scalo Gallery New York, USA
1998 Edward Quinn, Künstlerphotograph Bahnhof Rolandseck Rolandseck, GER
1997 Perpetual Emotion: An Affair with the Car in Pictures. (Group Exhibition) Conolly Ltd. London, UK
1997 Edward Quinn. La Côte d’Azur des Stars Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain Nice, FRA
1997 Künstlerporträts Galerie Stephan Röpke Köln, GER
1997 Edward Quinn: Stars und Sternchen Josef Albers Museum Bottrop, GER
1996 Edward Quinn. Gesamtwerk Prinz Max Palais Karlsruhe, GER
1996 Edward Quinn. Stars, Stars, Stars. Conolly London, UK
1996 Edward Quinn. Stars der fünfziger und sechziger Jahre Scalo Zurich, SUI
1996 Edward Quinn: Picasso Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, GER
1995 Edward Quinn. Picasso live Quadrat Studio-Galerie Bottrop, GER
1994-1995 Edward Quinn Photographs Sotheby’s Zurich, SUI
1994 Edward Quinn. Picasso live Prinz Max Palais Karlsruhe, GER
1994 Edward Quinn. A Côte d’Azur Album Museum für Gestaltung Zurich, SUI
1993 Georg Baselitz. Schöne und hässliche Porträts. (Group Exhibition) Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe, GER